Local Professionals Support MET by Becoming Associate Members
Instructors and coaches are not charged when they use the Masterson Station Park facilities for their lessons, but LFUCG does ask that such professionals make a $100 annual donations, to Masterson Equestrian Trust Foundation (MET). MET greatly appreciates these donations, which are used to support the upkeep and improvement of the Park’s equine facilities.
A list of contributors is posted at the hunter ring. If you are a professional who uses the park, please consider making this donation and becoming an MSP Associate member. It also entitles you to the use of the indoor ring on Tuesday nights during the winter months.
For more information, please contact Masterson Equestrian Trust Foundation at [email protected].
2013 Associates
Jorge Montalvo, Dreamfield Farm
Mary Fike, Harrington Mill Farm
Wayne Quarles
Megan Moore, Team CEO Eventing
Mongon Farms Associate
Cathy Wieschhoff, CW Event Team