MET Purchases Mower to Aid in Park Maintenance

GallopingLane(July 10, 2014) On April 21, the Masterson Equestrian Trust purchased an Exmark Lazer Z S-series with a 60-inch deck. This zero-turn riding mower will allow us to maintain galloping lanes on the cross country courses, as well as enable closer mowing near cross country fences, drastically reducing the need to weed eat around fences, saving both time and fuel. This tractor holds 12 gallons of fuel at a time and can travel up to 10 mph, allowing the operator to quickly mow galloping lanes in just two passes.

MET is very excited about this purchase as it will allow us to assist Parks and Recreation in upkeeping the cross-country portion of the Park. Big thanks go to Board member Joey Clark for so graciously maintaining both the paths and the mower! Thanks to Janet Eaton for the photo from horseback. 

Additional photos courtesy Sarah Coleman.

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